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Prayer Power Unleashed

Commentary on the News

Jack Kinsella - Omega Letter Editor
"And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him." (James 5:15)

February 06, 2005 - If anyone has serious doubts about the existence of God or the faithfulness of Christ, its because they haven't spent any time in our member's fellowship forums.

In fact, I ran the search term "answered prayer" and got thirty-four different testimonies. The most startling testimonies are like those that detail healings that can only be termed 'miraculous'.

Our brother Joy offered the following testimony recently:

"Today the Oncologist(Doctor) has made his 'final decision'. Mom can go home this Monday. Since there is no reason why she should stay for further treatment. PTL!

The Doctor has said, that in his entire medical career he hasn't seen a 180 degrees turnaround in such a short time (3-days). He uttered, that he "doesn't understand."

[Four days ago they didn't even know what the prognosis would be.]

Folks, the news here is that today mom's TLC level was 6,000 (normal = 4,000). She is feeling healthy, active, her appetite has grown and most of all she is in a cheerful and rejoicing mood, praising God with every breath she takes.

That's not all folks, my mother got yet another opportunity to witness to the Doctor and told him that, 'believers, the world over prayed for her good health and recovery'. To this he responded, "Then I think, prayers are what you need". In other words, what medical science couldn't do, prayers have done. Today, he acknowledged!!

He said, that no one with a full blown case of Leukemia(AML), [as my mom], has been discharged within three weeks of treatment. The Doctor is still in a shock. LOL.

What an awesome Praise Report!!!

Another Doctor from the panel, while having a chat with the family admitted that it has been prayers in my Mothers' case that have showed such remarkable signs of recovery within 3-days. He said that last week the team was losing hope of a possible recovery, but in the past 3-days everything has changed.

What more can I say as I personally am amazed to see the power of our LORD. Have been speechless........"

I have been the recipient of the blessing of answered prayer as a result of our prayer warriors countless times, for things as miraculous as personal healings, or as mundane as journey mercies. Your prayers have kept the Omega Letter going when it seemed hopeless.

Your prayers have resulted in ISP's unblocking delivery of the Omega Letter, made it possible to meet our financial commitments, even when it seemed impossible, have provided us with encouragement during the darkest moments, and have sustained us when our strength seemed almost gone.

To my mind, it should be impossible for me to produce a fresh overview of global events every single morning for the past 1101 mornings without having burned out hundreds of volumes back.

There was a time, many years ago, when it took me a whole week just to come up with enough material to fill a half-hour segment of "This Week in Bible Prophecy" -- and sometimes I needed help to do that.

But somehow, we always seem to manage to get the job done, despite my pessimism -- thanks to answered prayer.

The way you encourage each other in the forums is an answer to my own prayers that the Omega Letter's mission serve believers in a unique way in these last days.

Not only is it a training center for the one-on-one personal evangelistic efforts among our fellowship, it is a place where you learn from each other -- a place where the teachers are the students and the students are often the teachers.

Most ministries focus their attention on telling you how NOT to live in this world. The Omega Letter's uniqueness can be found in the way we all learn the really salient questions facing believers; we all know how Christians AREN'T supposed to live.

Through our shared experiences in Christ, believers in our forums learn instead HOW to live out this sin-sick and weary existence while maintaining our witness during our vigil, until He comes.

Our brother Lou has made the point more than once: "On the personal side, I find answered prayer to be a certain endorsement by God when He is comfortable to settle in with those who love Him, as answered prayer is what separates us from religion and showing that we have a relationship. . ."

Head_spaz commented in one post; "Answered prayer is so special! Nothing else to live for!"

Amen to that!

Lou's comment in another posting to the effect that, "Prayer request are seen now as also opportunity to observe answered prayer, things we can log in and see what God does either right away or over time which is something we don't notice often," really impacted me.

Many times I have thought about that -- every answered prayer is a witness, and every prayer request provides another opportunity for a praise report.

Robert Oyler posted a prayer request, saying, "I have a friend who is going through some health issues. sometimes it gets pretty serious from what I understand. My prayers aren't enough, more is needed and will be appreciated."

Later, in the same thread, came the inevitable praise report; "You people are an answer to prayers. And I never even knew to ask Him for all of you, He just provided."

Allie Byrd, in response to Robert's initial request for prayer, summed up the kind of fellowship God has built among our membership, writing; "Oh, that all people had such dear friends as you, that would bring their plight to others for intercessory prayer..."

Sheldon noted that, "I used to think that my prayers didn't matter much, but to make a couple of long stories short, God has made it a point to prove me wrong on quite a few occasions."

Me, too, Sheldon! And I believe there are others who could offer the same testimony.

Jeshua's lil_sister wrote from the UK: "My sister Rebecca was operated on yesterday. The doctors are VERY PLEASED with the results so far. Her scans seem to have shown no spread of the cancer. This is holy ground here. Our God saves...and truly is the God of abundant Life. Am over the moon with joy for my sister and her two children. Wanted to share this good news here with you all dear brothers and sisters first. Thank you so much for your precious prayers."

I know that your prayers had a major impact on our brother Wylie's condition. His brain surgery should have left him blind and crippled -- the doctors didn't offer much in the way of hope, either. They warned that he may never come out of the surgery the same, and that, in any case, he wouldn't have long to live.

Wylie came out different, all right! The Lord cured his blindness as a direct answer to prayer. The Lord healed the partial paralysis that he experienced after the surgery. And Wylie continues to report that he never felt better in his life.

Wylie now spends his time praising God and speaking to churches about death, dying, and the certainty of salvation. (Few people realize just how miraculous that is, unless they know Wylie like I do.)

When I get discouraged, or when I wonder if the Omega Letter is truly accomplishing the mission God assigned to it, God lifts me up through your intercessory prayer. And your praise reports continue to remind me of the power of intercessory prayers and the joy with which God grants each one.

When I get discouraged, I need only pay a visit to our member's fellowship forum to be refreshed and renewed. May God bless you all for your faithfulness to our Lord -- and especially for your faithfulness toward one another.

Thank You, Jesus, for answered prayer. And thank You even more for the faithfulness of the prayer warriors who offer those prayers in confidence.

"And this is the confidence that we have in Him, that, if we ask any thing according to His will, He heareth us: And if we know that He hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of Him." (1 John 5:14-15)

Excerpted from the Omega Letter Daily Intelligence Digest, Volume 38, Issue 27


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